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Sep 2024
Traverse Hospitality presents an exquisite array of Airbnb properties nestled in the beautiful cities of Leadville, Crested Butte, and Granby. Ranging from modern condos, historic lofts, charming Victorian houses, cozy retreats to cabins in the woods, our portfolio comprises of 128 diverse homes that deliver a unique and personalized experience. Our properties are conveniently located close to major attractions including the Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad, Golden Burro Cafe & Lounge, and National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum. The homes themselves offer an array of amenities such as full kitchens, washer facilities, free parking, dedicated workspace, private entrances, cozy patios, indoor fireplaces, and many more. We believe in giving our guests a warm, comfortable and unforgettable stay, with easy access to the engaging neighborhoods of Joshua Tree Highlands, Lincoln Park, and Edgewater Gulf Beach. Whether you are looking for a peaceful getaway, an outdoor adventure, historical expedition or simply exploring the town, Traverse Hospitality is your ideal choice.
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